are you ready for the ride?

In this article, I’d like to talk about my experience in the high and low ranks of football. If you are a young player yourself, a football parent, or simply a football enthusiast, this article will definitely be worth your time. And, before I say anything, I want to highlight that I will cut all the bullshit talk, this article is not meant to hype you up, it’s not trying to sell you a product, it’s just my raw experience. Moreso, I am writing it, because what I have experienced in the world of football has surprised me so much, to the point that, not sharing it, to the extent I can, would simply hurt me.

First, I’ll share my background, very briefly. As almost every male, and one that comes from a Turkish background, football was all that I ever played growing up, and all that occupied our friendly chitter-chat. I played in the amateur leagues in Netherlands, until an acl injury forced me to stop at age 16. Flash forward couple years, having dropped out from my computer science degree, which from the bottom of my heart, I hated, I decided it was time to refunnel my energy into my passion of football. I was at a point of an absolute 0 connections, 0 knowledge and practically 0 experience in the world of professional football. This was accompanied by heavy reluctance from my family, who understandably thought I had no business investing any time into football. Mainly because I was already 20 years old, according to them not being exceptionally talented and that studies having to be my main occupation at the current point in my life. Nonetheless, I knew I had something in me, it was something but I just couldn’t quite figure it out. With no better ideas in my mind on what to do with my life, as a 20 year old boy, I simply ignored the noise and invested all my free time and energy into training myself, chasing trials in football and somehow had myself believe in the dream of going pro.

As I write this article, I am in a much better situation in my life, slowly figuring out the pieces, and getting a clearer vision for my future. Mind you im only 24, but my point is, things feel a lot more clear than how they used to, a couple years ago. Now, back to the story. At age 20, I was so obsessed with the dream of going pro, it made me do things that really few others in my position would have done. Every weekend, I would travel to meet another football agent whom I found on social media, sometimes they would even offer trainings and then I would approach them about my dream of going pro. Most times, they would tell me I have what it takes, emphasizing that I have good physical attributes, namely because I am strong and usually the tallest player in the team. For a long while, this made me become even more invested in my dream of going pro. But, as you might have guessed, nothing came out of meeting these new ‘agents’. At best, they would tell me to come play in one of their games or go on a trial, with the caveat being, that I had to pay a hefty entrance fee. Paying for these talent games or trials, is absolutely not wrong as long as you are sure of the decision and of who you are working with. However, there are many predators out there, some of them even being very well known names. It is simply human nature that one can not avoid. If a person with good connections in the football world sees a young talent, who is going to stop them from selling them a dream and filling their pockets when in the end it might actually work out for that young

talent? It’s really a win, win for both sides. My point is, do not overdo going on trials, listen to your body and only go for a new chance when the winds are breezing in your direction, otherwise you will end up making dead investments for yourself.

Days and years after chasing trials and opportunities for my player self, I never made it to an actual pro team. However my self discipline had paid off and I cycled through couple of the top amateur clubs in my region and to date I play in one of these clubs alongside some ex-pros who are exceptionally talented. Precisely, this was also the era I was evolving into the more mature version of my football player self. My relentless drive to not miss out on the next ‘opportunity’ had somehow created something special. I had probably done over 30 trials in different locations and countries over the span of 4 years. I had met so many different types of people, whether it be coaches, football coaches, football players or agents, these experiences were starting to somehow add up. It was giving me a clearer image of the reality of the football world. The reality is bitter as you might have guessed, but also a very unexpected one, at least from the eyes of a young player. I have come to see, no matter how far you were able to climb the ladder in the world of football, whether it be making through a professional academy system all the way to the U21 of a pro team or actually signing your first pro contract, it could all simply mean nothing and I absolutely mean that. You could still end up being a McDonald’s cashier couple years later. I have seen countless players who sign a pro contract, and never get an extension couple years later. Most of them are left with a story they can proudly and deservedly explain to their friends and family, but sadly won’t have the chance to remain in the industry. It was precisely today, that I realized this. I thought to myself, I have seen so many ex-pro players, as well as pro academy dropouts struggling to find themselves a reliable position in the world of pro-football. My 20 year old self, had they seen one of those players, would have thought that they have comfortably made it, and probably envied them a little for at least achieving the ‘pro’ label. But sadly, the number of pro or academy dropout players I have seen who are currently simply pushed out of the pro scene, exponentially exceeds the amount of players who live the actual ‘mainstream’ view of football. That is, the few 1% who purchase a new sports car every 3 months. My 20 year old self thought, making it pro was a one time feat, that once you are past that checkpoint, you are safe, that there is no falling behind. But my 24 year old self is here, simply amazed by how many of these players who made it, only made it for a very short period of time, only to fall back down and never recover from it.

Well that’s enough pessimism, because my goal with this blog post is not to tell you to give up football, neither is it to tell you that your dream of going pro has no basis. If you are perhaps a football parent, I am also not here to say to discourage your children from following the road to pro pathway. By all means, do what your heart tells you to do, just as I did, and I have absolute zero regret for following my heart as a clueless 20 year old boy. I am simply here to say, what I saw in these years of mindlessly channeling my energy into the football world has absolutely stunned me. Mainly for that fact that the mainstream view of a football player’s life is so far from the reality. There is absolute zero security in the football world and in my view, to actually make it as a player, mental conditioning by far exceeds the importance of any other factor such as talent(assuming you already have the basic aptitude for being a good footballer) and physical condition and even having superior connections. If you want to go pro, and keep that label for the

next 15 years of your life, are you ready to face the following things which I will list; being mobbed by your coach who simply doesn’t like you perhaps because you are a better player than their son who also plays in the team same position as you, not receiving a contract extension, not receiving actual pro offers after spending years in the pro academy system, going on countless trials and never receiving a concrete offer, being told fairytales by agents who probably will not remember your name a couple months later, having to perform at your peak whilst perhaps undergoing a burnout simply for the fact that you have been kicking a ball for last 10 years of your life 6 times a week, and the list goes on…

Well, it’s time to wrap it up, and to do that, I want to simply highlight the fact that in my view, if you want to actually enter the pursuit of pro football, you should be ready for new challenges every day, challenges that you can’t even fathom but that will simply show up at your door. The good thing is, if your heart still tells you to take this route in life, by all means you should do it. Because hey, look at me, I had the dream to go pro, did not make it, but I am here standing with zero regret. The football world made me a lot stronger than my previous self, it gave me a much deeper understanding of people and building relationships. The good news is, whatever feat is next up for you in life, I can promise you that thanks to football, you will be much better at it, and achieve a lot more. Above all, football taught me that if you want to build your empire, you must not underestimate the cost of keeping that empire alive, the challenges will only double, if not triple once that empire is built. Most think that building the empire means reaching the final endpoint, when in reality you have to protect that empire from every external threat for the rest of the next 15 years of your life, are you ready for this? Well, long story short, this is my view of pro football, and choosing to invest your energy in this sport will definitely make you a much better person than you already are, it will mature you in so many ways and make you a lot more independent and autonomous in life. Who would not want that?

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